Hacker Tutorial

Written By WahyuGK on Tuesday, 7 April 2015 | 23:38

1. How to get into DOS to Windows XP that completely lockedMany cafes yangmembatasi access our motion in Windows, such as facilities DOS, Windows Explorer, and setting forth the circumstances we can not touch, huh, emang annoying if we was really need to access this :) I have an answer :) How to enter in the DOS in Windows XP all-in lock facility:1. Icon on the desktop or start menu on right click, and select Properties2. In properties choose "find the target ..."3. Window and select the search appear above4. In the Search choose "All Files and folders"5. Then locate the file "cmd.exe" in windows6. If found then run the cmd.exe file.7. By running the file cmd.exe then you have entered into dos :) If it really locking total then you can change windows registry through the creation of *. Reg file with notepad / word pad, then you run the file *. Reg, the way to It also makes no yard. The purpose of this tutorial so that we can move more freely diwarnet-cafe that safety too is protected so that makes us unable to do much on that computer.
2. Penetrate the windows of public facilities that are too limitedAnnoying if the facility is MS-DOS, RUN, Find and get rid of his countrymen on the desktop on a computer cafe, let ga too BT, we wrote pakek way through this1. Go to the Notepad / Wordpad / MS Word2. Then type the followingREGEDIT4HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System]"DisableRegistryTools" = dword: 000000013. Keep it in the file name extension *. Reg file and then run the *. Reg file you created earlier and then you restart the goal of this tutorial for the netter who was irritated with the computer cafe, so that where the office or internet cafe, office or other restricting access rights too much on computers that we use.3. I log on another computer through DOS (Windows XP / 2000)You want to go dikomputer your friends in a LAN? can see the entire contents of the hard drive of your friends, make directory, make file, delete the file or anything? It is easy, all the way here. First of all you should know two important programs and then download the internet is Maniac (Internet Maniac.exe) ... Download Maniac Functioning interenet to find out ip addreas client via computer name / hostname KaHT (KaHt.exe) ... Download the program KaHT Serves as program hacker to break into a server or client computer Remember only 2 program above then you be prepared to master the cafe / campus / office and so on, you know how? heheThe first time you check your network first to see the hostname in 2 ways. Remember only 2 program above then you be prepared to master the cafe / campus / office and so on, you know how? hehe After 2 courses above the first ekstractlah download the program, either WinZip or pake pake anything. If already in the extract and the first time you check your network first to see the hostname in 2 ways. For Windows XP How to First Go to Start then Search, then select computers or people and select a computer on the network and then immediately click search it will soon appear computer-connected computer in the network. For Windows 95/98/ME/2000 (if you find an open port 135 on this OS)Method First Go to Start then Search For Files or Folders And then on the Search menu item or other select computers, and will emerge Search for computer, then click Search Now direct the computer names will appear (An alternative way that can quickly click on My Network Place / Network Neighboure only) After loe dapetin target computer is not on the enter / diremote then run the program immediately wrote loe Internet Maniac Go to the Host Lookup and type the computer name / hostname and click resolve, here you will get the ip address of the computer.With this ip number then you already know the target computer that will be attending.Once that's done then we leave Maniac Internet program, we will continue with the program KaHT, this program will didetect as a Trojan by antivirus, but ignore it, do not be in the clear / in quarantine if terdetect, if necessary, aja del antivirus, one more, the program KaHT work in MS-DOS Mode so here you are using a DOS skills are very important, without the ability of DOS then you can not do much. How to enter DOS Mode For Windows XP Go to Start, All Programs, Accessories and then Command Prompt For Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 Go to Start, Programs, Accessories and MS-DOS Prompt After a successful entry in the directory DOS then enter program KaHT, she could forget the last time diextract program where, hehe, (Example: You in the extract in C: \ KaHT) then type "CD \ KaHT" and so on. If you have, it's time? Type "KaHT sebelum_no_ip_komputer_sasaran no_ip_komputer_sasaran. That could be confused is this: KaHT ip1 ip2" ip1: ip2 scanned starting ip: ip post a scanned example of his earlier ip after pakek detect Internet Maniac earlier that you know. Then just type "KaHT" and then enter the program later wrote Well here it will work automatically. Once the scan is complete if it later turns out port 135 in a state you will open automatically in the computer objectives / targets, to be more precise you are in "c: \ windows \ system" computer's goals / objectives after the pen-an-scan is completed. You can be free on the target computer, want to edit or delete any can, hehe Well if already so we can be creative: Pingin cafe cost us less? go easy wrote on billing server, type Time, change the time wrote, but not a lot especially minus operator warnetnya later found out ma, hehe.Spying on kids who are chatting in a cafe pakek mIRC / college / office / others, find mIRC program used in the computer, usually seh in C: \ Program Files \ mIRC, open the file MiRC.INI, then in IRC Log On Just do it and if you want to see the content of our friends was enough chattingan through "/ logs" means that the earlier in the C: \ program Files \ mIRC program then simply enter MiRCnya wrote in C: \ Program Files \ mIRC \ Logs later there have files log results chattingan although he is online he wrote tetep recorded, hehe, if you want mastiin what he makek nick, so easy to run it wrote MiRCnya or check in MiRC.INI, gampangkan. Moreover ya, Make computer was broken, better not, but you know sebenere bias, delete files systemnya wrote, hehe. Above cuman little creations aja, aja loe can use it far more useful than the above objective of this tutorial for those of you who frequently use computers with Windows 2000 and XP dijaringan to be more aware of the various mischievous acts of the parties who are not responsible ..4. Creating a Windows administrator access to us through another computerWe want to make Windows XP/2000 administrator on another computer via LAN? very easy, do go to the destination computer with a program that has been taught kaht above, then we'll try a few tricks. Looking at the guest and administrator access in Windows Type: net user guest Viewing active in the absence of Windows Type: net user guest guest Creating access to the Administrator with the command: Type: net localgroup Administrators Guest / add access adminstrator Create your own:1. Type: net user / add2. Type: net localgroup Administrators / add Removing administrator access Type: net localgroup Users / delete
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