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Remastering Ubuntu 10.10 a blanket Release Version 1.0

Written By WahyuGK on Tuesday, 7 April 2015 | 23:33

Linux distro is a process for making a new Linux from an existing linux. Different distributions with distributions derived remastering.a. Distro definition remastering.Distributions remastering when seen from the definition remastering itself is the process of creating a new master for the album, film, or other creations. Tend to refer to port one of the recording process from analog to digital media another one, but this is not always the case.So distro remastering is a process for making a new Linux from an existing linux. Linux linux remastering results are similar to the linux host, but has undergone several modifications that make it different than the linux host, eg, the display theme, the software bundled with it and so on. the goal is to meet the needs of users who are not available in the parent distro. Lots of examples of existing distro remastering both local and foreign-made.b. Definition of derivative distributions.A process for making a new
Linux from an existing linux as a base or foundation of the system, similar to the definition remastering charge distributions in derivative distro there are some typical application package is maintained by the developer is a derivative distro. the goal was almost the same as the distro remastering, as the development and adjustment to the needs of users. To be clear again, I will give you the differences that can define whether a distribution is said to be a distribution or distributions derived remastering.c. Remastering Distro Distro differences with derivativesDistro Remastering:1. not have a repository2. not have the typical package for himself3. Packagers do not have a care package of applications4. not make the patch application package5. not have a tracking bugDerived distributions:1. not have its own repository of its parent distro.2. has a unique package that is not owned by the parent, for example blankon-desktop-contextual. daluang, etc..3. Packagers have to maintain the application package.4. have the rebranding of its parent package.5. have penulusuran bug.Goods - items needed: Master OS = Linux Ubuntu 10.10 Remastersys (Can Dowload on google) Theme, Icon, Sounds, Cursors, Wallpapers de el el (Can be downloaded from the synaptic manager www.gnome.org or those provided by Linux) Minimum 5-7GB of free space 1GB Ram, 1GB Swap (recommended) after all met, we just lakukkan remastering.First - Setting Synaptic Manager: Install Linux Ubuntu 10.10 Master it. Once installed on the hard drive, open its OS. Here I use Remastersys flatten so that in the original Linux installed on their PCs - each. After that go to the Synaptic manager in System-Administration-Synaptic Package Manager. Select the Settings-Repositories (well here we can add some repo both offline and online). Once the repo is set, select reload. Here you can choose a variety of software that has been provided by the Linux itself.Because we want to create a multimedia OS so we chose some packages like multimedia support• Amarok - Music player• Audacity - Sound editor• Cheese - Application for taking pictures and video of the webcam• Blender - a 3D graphics application• Inkscape - Vector graphics editor• Fontmatrics - The graph font manager• Chromium - a Web browser
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